Universidad de Jaén


My opinion on the course is without a doubt positive. It is a course oriented to professionals of the sector although its content structure makes it suitable for different levels of previous knowledge. The course allows different levels of deepening; Both can be used to acquire general knowledge about the quality of geographic information, as well as to delve into more specific aspects of quality, as it provides the student with specialized readings and above all you have the possibility to consult directly as many questions as possible. Teacher.

As far as the platform is concerned, although the course is virtual, the attitude of the teachers has been of full availability and permanent collaboration. Their commitment is to answer any question within 48 hours but in fact it has always been answered before. The feeling I have had is that communication has worked well, enabling an agile workflow.

My feeling has not been to find myself alone in the immensity of the subject, the platform allows to participate in the development of the course and the possibility of communicating through forums with students allows to share doubts and solve them together.

However, if you want to get a good result you have to dedicate many hours of work because apart from reading and understanding the theoretical documents, the course is eminently practical and you have to present practical exercises of each topic. (by Google translator)

J. Plana Aguilar
ICC, Barcelona-España - 1ª Edición

It is a comfortable course to follow although it is online because it is well structured and has a good organization.

This does not mean that the course is exceeded without effort and work, as the estimate of 25 hours of dedication per week is quite correct. I have enjoyed a lot throughout the development of the course. (by Google translator)

M.F. Andrés de Araujo
(ULPGC, Las Palmas-España) - 1ª Edición

A hard course .... hard. Difficult, at least for me. It is not the typical online course almost testimonial. Have to work.
That is why it is perhaps the most rewarding thing I have ever done. From what I have learned and the possibilities that I see in this field of quality.
It has also been gratifying for the faculty, for their ability and dedication. If it was not for them, I would not have been able to finish. And for the companions and companeras.
In short, difficult but rewarding and productive. (by Google translator)

A. López Palacios
(Murcia-España) - 1ª Edición

The course  promoted by the University of Jaén, surpassed my expectations in several aspects. Although it is a distance learning course, contact with teachers, via the Ilias teaching platform or via e-mail and Skype, has always been a constant practice and those have shown a sincere concern with students' learning.

The content of the course was also very comprehensive, updated and deepened, having been sufficient for me to develop professional activities in the control and quality evaluation in the various activities and stages of production of the geographic information, besides having enabled me to make contact with what It is current regarding the regulations of official bodies and what is discussed and deliberated regarding the evaluation of the quality of geographic information in the most developed countries in this area.

L.A Scorsin
(Neocart, Paraná-Brasil) - 1ª Edición

My opinion of the course is generally very good. He personally helped me to complete knowledge related to the quality of geographic information, which I had not seen so deeply in my university studies. And it is that the course contains a syllabus and practical exercises very elaborated by the teachers, this on the other hand requires a major effort of the student to carry it out, but is made pleasant through forums with peers and quick answers Of teachers to all the doubts that are being raised. (by Google translator)

M.D. Gómez Vidal
(Telvent, Sevilla-España) - 1ª Edición

This course is a perfect complement for the professionals of the cartography who want to work assuming high levels of quality in the cartographic information.

In addition, I find it very timely and very current, since we are at a time when quality has become an essential element in any product in any field and even more in cartographic information: streamlines the production process, facilitates the Follow-up of the processes and the achievement of the desired requirements. The knowledge obtained in the course is applicable mostly to the daily work of the producer / manager of cartographic data, and allows to achieve a high degree of quality, but imply an effort and a necessary change in the concept and the way to work.

The contents have seemed very adequate, and although the course is dense and requires a lot of dedication to get the maximum use, it is acceptable in the planned time. There is a good balance between the theoretical and the practical part, and the latter most of the time has been developed working on real cases. It has been of great help that aside from the subjects related to quality, there are complementary subjects such as statistics and sampling methods, that allow to assume the correct management of the concepts and measures of the quality.

Regarding the teaching method, the virtual platform has seemed very suitable for the study of this type of course, mainly because it allows to combine the professional and personal life with the studies. The faculty, in general, has been very involved in the course, and personally I have felt very supported by most of them. And they have also made a commitment to respond very quickly to the students' doubts.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that the involvement of the students themselves in the course has also been very important, since their contributions have often been of a very high level and have contributed to the learning and the dialogue as well as the teachers and have been generated Very interesting debates. (by Google translator)

E. Fons Carbonell
(SITIBSA, Mallorca-España) - 1ª Edición

This course provides a comprehensive view of the concept of "quality" by focusing on the geographic information industry, a branch on which documentation is usually difficult to find. The texts that accompany each of the modules in which the course is divided constitute one of its fundamental pillars as they compile, order and synthesize the concepts to be known and understood about the quality of geographic information; The existing legislation on the subject, and the evaluation of products and cartographic processes. Another of the pillars of the course is the different exercises that must be performed to overcome it. It is fair to say that its implementation entails many hours of work and personal effort, but it is precisely this work that allows to secure, develop and apply in a practical way the concepts studied in theory. (by Google translator)

G. Moreno vergara
(ICA, Sevilla-España) - 2ª Edición

The course as been in my opinion a space of deep professional reflection, which has allowed me to grow personally, and in this growth adjust some of the concepts, unlearn others, Incorporating the "concept of quality" to the reality of daily tasks, so that it moves from a space often ethereal to a reality feasible and executable.

The exercises proposed throughout the different modules were always aligned with the reality of geoinformation, making them practical, motivating and applicable to professional tasks, all complemented with the timely and successful responses of teachers.

The course from the beginning to the end is certainly worth it and it is said that who with more than 30 years of professional experience and 25 of teaching in the area of ​​geomatics has gone some way in these subjects, and must also confess that I should choose between a Mastery online for this course, and I do not regret the decision taken, I estimate that I have achieved better results in the professional with this course than what I would have achieved if I decided for mastery. Of course, all this requires dedication, and constant effort, without these ingredients and the personal decision to achieve it is very likely that the mission will fail. (by Google translator)

A. Andrade Yépez
(SIGTIERRAS, Quito-Ecuador) - 2ª Edición

Having participated in this course has been a very enriching experience, both human, academic and pedagogical. Human because it allows to interact with multiple professionals, with diverse specialties and to share personal experiences. As for the academic is a complete and demanding specialization course to the height of what would be expected of a professional who wants to work in the area of ​​quality in cartographic production, deepens in almost all stages of the production process, You must study a lot to be able to overcome each stage, it is not studied in a superficial way each process but rather they are analyzed in depth unifying the technical knowledge with the statistical analysis, delivering tools that allow to find errors and improve the processes through this experience. Regarding pedagogy, although it is an online course, it maintains a continuous and timely contact with each teacher and throughout the course, allowing a constant and pedagogical support in each of the stages.

It is not an easy course, it requires dedication and a lot of work, but in the end you are a better professional with a much broader vision of our responsibility in the quality of the geographic information and how it influences in the sustainable development of the countries. In addition to having tools that allow you to solve real problems. Absolutely recommendable, quite an experience. (by Google translator)

J. Robledo Ceballos
(SAF, Sanctiago-Chile) - 2ª Edición

The Course is excellent from the academic point of view and very human, from the personal point of view. The content of the different modules is well treated as well as clear and orderly so that the process in which the knowledge was acquired was gradual, complete and grounded. It can be said that the study material was according to the level of the course and shows that the teachers are experts in the subjects that they treat.

Being a distance course is important communication with teachers, which throughout the course was really very agile, very warm and very warm, which shows the professionalism and seriousness with which it developed. It is also worth mentioning the constant support of teachers to achieve the objectives and motivation for interaction with other students. The course beyond the knowledge that leaves, generates the concern of continuing to deepen in the subjects and provides the tools so that those who so wish can continue this way. (by Google translator)

H. Bemúdez Banchero
UDELAR-IA, Montevideo-Uruguay) - 2ª Edición


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