J. Plana Aguilar
ICC, Barcelona-España - 1ª Edición
M.F. Andrés de Araujo
(ULPGC, Las Palmas-España) - 1ª Edición
A. López Palacios
(Murcia-España) - 1ª Edición
L.A Scorsin
(Neocart, Paraná-Brasil) - 1ª Edición
M.D. Gómez Vidal
(Telvent, Sevilla-España) - 1ª Edición
E. Fons Carbonell
(SITIBSA, Mallorca-España) - 1ª Edición
G. Moreno vergara
(ICA, Sevilla-España) - 2ª Edición
A. Andrade Yépez
(SIGTIERRAS, Quito-Ecuador) - 2ª Edición
J. Robledo Ceballos
(SAF, Sanctiago-Chile) - 2ª Edición
The Course is excellent from the academic point of view and very human, from the personal point of view. The content of the different modules is well treated as well as clear and orderly so that the process in which the knowledge was acquired was gradual, complete and grounded. It can be said that the study material was according to the level of the course and shows that the teachers are experts in the subjects that they treat.
Being a distance course is important communication with teachers, which throughout the course was really very agile, very warm and very warm, which shows the professionalism and seriousness with which it developed. It is also worth mentioning the constant support of teachers to achieve the objectives and motivation for interaction with other students. The course beyond the knowledge that leaves, generates the concern of continuing to deepen in the subjects and provides the tools so that those who so wish can continue this way. (by Google translator)
H. Bemúdez Banchero
UDELAR-IA, Montevideo-Uruguay) - 2ª Edición