Evaluación 3D de Elementos Lineales de Información Geográfia
Proyecto Nacional del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (2011 - 2014)

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start / Publications




1. Peer reviewed papers

GARCIA-BALBOA JL, REINOSO-GORDO JF, ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ. (2012) Automated Asessment of Road Generalization Results by Means of an Artificial Neural Network. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 49(4): 558-596.

RUIZ-LENDINEZ JJ, ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, UREÑA-CAMARA MA. (2013). Automatic positional accuracy assessment of geospatial databases using line-based methods. Survey Review. ISSN: 1548-1603, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1752270613Y.0000000044.

MOZAS-CALVACHE AT, UREÑA-CAMARA MA, ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ. (2013). Methodology for analyzing multi-temporal planimetric Changes of river channels. En International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, 2013.

MOZAS-CALVACHE AT, UREÑA-CAMARA MA, Perez-Garcia JL. (2013). Accuracy of contour lines using 3D bands. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 27, Issue 12, pages 2362-2374, DOI:10.1080/13658816.2013.801484.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2013). A statistical model inspired by the National Map Accuracy Standard. En Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. ISSN: 0099-1112. DOI: doi: 10.14358/PERS.80.3.000.

REINOSO-GORDO JF, LEON C, MATAIX J. (2013). Optical flow algorithm as estimator of horizontal discrepancy between features derived from DEMs: rivers and creeks as case study. Survey Review. DOI: 10.1179/1752270613Y.0000000073.

RUIZ-ARMENTEROS AM, GARCIA-BALBOA JL, MESA-MINGORANCE JL, RUIZ-LENDINEZ JJ, RAMOS-GALAN MI. (2013). Contribution of instrument centring to the uncertainty of the horizontal angle. Survey Review. ISSN: 1548-1603, Volume 45 Issue 331 (July 2013), pp. 305-314. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1752270613Y.0000000041.

AGEA Z, ZURUTUZA J, SEVILLA MJ, RUIZ MC (2013). Aplicacion PPP para la determinacion de Posiciones y Velocidades". 7 ahpg, Asamblea hispano portuguesa de geodesia y geofisica, Donostia-San Sebastian 25-29 de junio de 2012. [CD-ROM]. J. Zurutuza (E). Donostia: Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-941323-1-5.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). A Method of Positional Quality Control Testing for 2D and 3D Line Strings. TGIS, published online: 22 SEP 2014. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12117.

MOZAS-CALVACHE AT, ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ. (2014). Detection of systematic displacements in spatial databases using linear elements.Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 41(4):309-322, DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2014.912153

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). A statistical model inspired by the National Map Accuracy Standard. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. ISSN: 0099-1112. 80 (3): 271-281, DOI:10.14358/PERS.80.3.271.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). Un método estadístico general para el control posicional de datos espaciales. GEOFOCUS. Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica, Nº14, p. 105-119. ISSN: 1578-5157

GIL DE LA VEGA, P., ARIZA-LÓPEZ, F. J., & MOZAS-CALVACHE, A. T. (2014). Método para la comparativa de diversas configuraciones GNSS+IMU en levantamientos cinemáticos de elementos lineales 3D. Mapping, 23 (165), 46-55.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). Estimating the count of completeness errors in Geographic data Sets by means of Generalized Waring Regression Model. IJ GIscience, aceptado, pendiente de publicar, DOI 10.1080/13658816.2015.1010536.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). Using International Standards to Control the Positional Quality of Spatial Data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. ISSN: 0099-1112. Aceptado.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). Aplicación de las normas ISO 2859-1 e ISO 2859-2 en el control posicional de suministros de datos espaciales, aplicación al caso de puntos y líneas. GEOFOCUS. Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica, Nº15, ISSN: 1578-5157. Aceptado.

REINOSO, J. F., MONCAYO, M., ARIZA-LÓPEZ, F. J. (2015). A new iterative algorithm for creating a mean 3D axis of a road from a set of GNSS traces. Mathematics and Computer in Simulation (MATCOM). doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2014.12.003

Awaiting acceptance

GIL DE LA VEGA, P., ARIZA-LÓPEZ, F. J., & MOZAS-CALVACHE, A. T. (in review). Models for positional accuracy assessment of linear features 2D and 3D cases

REINOSO-GORDO, J. F., ARIZA-LÓPEZ, F. J., BARRERA, D., GÓMEZ-BLANCO, A. (in review) A fitted B-spline method to derive a representative 3D axis from a set of multiple road traces.

2. Congress (oral communications)

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, GARCIA-BALBOA JL, UREÑA-CAMARA MA, REINOSO-GORDO JF.(2012). Metodologia para la evaluacion de la calidad de elementos lineales 3D. En Congreso Iberoamericano de Geomatica y Ciencias de la Tierra, Madrid, Octubre 2012.

REINOSO-GORDO JF, MONCAYO-HORMIGO M, ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ.(2013). Comparing methods to improve precision in axis road determination supported by B-spline fitting. En The 5th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources MAMERN, Granada 2013.

MOZAS-CALVACHE AT, UREÑA-CAMARA MA, ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ. (2013). Methodology for analyzing multi-temporal planimetric Changes of river channels. En 26th International Cartoghraphic Conference August 25-30, 2013, Dresden, Germany

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ. (2013). Calidad de la Informacion Geografica: Perspectivas de futuro. En CIGMA 2013 Conferencia Internacional de Geografia y Medio Ambiente, Octubre 7-9, Mejico DF, Mejico.

MOZAS-CALVACHE AT, ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, GIL DE LA VEGA P. (2014). MÉtricas para el control posicional 3D de bases geoespaciales mediante elementos lineales. En XVI Congreso Nacional de Tecnologias de la Informacion Geografica. 25, 26 y 27 de Junio de 2014. págs. 571-578. Alicante.

GIL DE LA VEGA P., ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, MOZAS-CALVACHE AT (2014). Núcleos espaciados: algoritmo para la determinacion de un eje medio a partir de multitrazas GNSS 3D. En XVI Congreso Nacional de Tecnologias de la Informacion Geografica. 25, 26 y 27 de Junio de 2014. 565-571, Alicante.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, MOZAS-CALVACHE AT, GIL DE LA VEGA P. (2014). Tratamiento de multitrazas GNSS 3D para la obtencion de ejes medios. En XVI Congreso Nacional de Tecnologias de la Informacion Geografica. 25, 26 y 27 de Junio de 2014. págs. 557-563. Alicante.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). A statistical model for positional quality control of spatial data. Spatial Accuracy 2014, Michigan (EEUU), Julio, 2014.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). An approximation to outliers in GNSS traces. Spatial Accuracy 2014, Michigan (EEUU), Julio, 2014.

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ, RODRIGUEZ-AVI J. (2014). Simulation for estimating the probability of positional errors greater than a tolerance in a mixture of parametric models. Spatial Accuracy 2014, Michigan (EEUU), Fecha: Julio, 2014

MANUEL A. UREÑA-CÁMARA, FRANCISCO J. ARIZA-LÓPEZ, ANTONIO T. MOZAS-CALVACHE (2014). A proposal for obtaining 3D tracks based on multiple non-geodesic GNSS. 11th symposium on location based services Vienna 26-28 November 2014.

ARIZA-LÓPEZ, F.J.; RODRÍGUEZ-AVI, J.(2015). Application of the International Standards ISO 2859-1 and 2859-2 in positional quality control of spatial data. International workshop of spatial data quality, Malta, 20th to 21st January 2015.

ARIZA-LÓPEZ, BARRERA, D., REINOSO-GORDO, J. F., ROMERO-ZALIZ, R. (2015). Inferring mean road axis from big data: sorted points cloud belonging to traces. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO 2015).

REINOSO, J.F., ARIZA, F.J., MONCAYO, M. (2013). A comparative of methods to improve the precision in axis road´s determination supported by B-spline fitting. Proccedings of the 5th International Conference on approximation methods and numerical modelling in environment and natural resources. MAMERN 2013. ISBN: 978-84-338-5505-3

D. Barrera, J.F. Reinoso, R. Romero-Zaliz (2015). Fitting B-spline curves for inferring road mean axis from multiple GPS traces. Quatri´eme Congr`es de la SM2A, Oujda-Maroc, 12-14 F´evrier 2015.

F.J. ARIZA-LÓPEZ, D. BARRERA AND J.F. REINOSO (2015). Fitted B-splines help Mapmakers to define Roads. CMMSE 2015: 15th International Conference Computational and mathematical methods in Science and Engineering.

Awaiting acceptance

3. PhD. Thesis

4. Master Thesis

5. Books, Handbooks and other documents

ARIZA-LOPEZ FJ. (Ed) (2013). Fundamentos de Evaluacion de la Calidad de la Informacion Geografica. Universidad de Jaen, ISBN: 9788484398134.

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